Your Neighbourhood Place of Hope

4235 Departure Bay Rd, Nanaimo


Our Most Recent Service


From the Pastor’s Desk

The most common Christian symbol, by far, is the cross. It’s worn around necks, placed on steeples and doors. Whenever we want to show the world that we belong to Christ, the cross is often used.

It’s seems strange that 2 billion humans would use an instrument of torture and capital punishment as their identifying mark. We don’t hang electric chairs, or guillotines around our necks. We don’t place a firing squad of rifles on our doors. So why the cross.

If you ask most Christians, they will tell you how of Jesus died on a cross for our sins. The symbol points to a core story in our experience with God. They might also describe how the symbol points to righteousness and relationships. The vertical beam is a symbol of our right relationship with God. The horizontal pointing to our right relationship with each other.

These two kinds of righteousness are what we’ll be exploring this Sunday because Genesis introduces them to us. And in this way, Genesis introduces us to the person who is righteousness embodied: Jesus.

Click here to read the stories. I invite you to join us in person or online. If you’d like to catch up on any of our sermon series, visit

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you,

Pastor Jeremy

Questions to Go Deeper

1. What do you think about/ how do you feel about Jeremy’s sermon? Did anything stand out? Was there anything you wondered about?

2. Think of the last time you broke the rules. What effect did it have on you? On your relationship with others? On how you felt before God?

3. What does it mean to make amends?

4. How did Jesus make amends for us? What does he ask us to do to make amends?

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Our Advent Projects Results

Results of Sock it To Me

Wow! St. Andrew’s!
You really know how to SOCK IT TO ‘EM!
We collected 347 pairs of socks!
 74 for kids
 115 for women
 158 for men

The socks were delivered on December 23 to: Haven House, Island Crisis Care
Society, Risebridge and the Unitarian Shelter.

The socks were gratefully received. Haven House said that St. Andrew’s “is the best”. Risebridge were having a shoe clinic right after the socks were delivered and what a great thing to receive new socks in this cold and wet weather!

Please know that our joint efforts are making a difference to lives in our

Thanks and blessings from the PWA!

Results of Gifts of Change

Thanks to all of you for your kind donations to PWS&D’s Gifts of Change.

We collected over $1,000. Each gift will have a positive and loving impact on those that need our help. The gifts of seeds, food, education and more will keep on making a difference into the future.

Thanks with gratitude,


PWS&D Champion

Children’s Ministry

A song playlist for January 2025!

Story for Chaplaincy

Hearts Exchanged 1st session (Monday October 28th 6:30 - 8:30pm - Via Zoom)

In partnership with The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Christian Reformed Church in Canada, Kailen is hosting an 8-session journey (1 per month) with people interested in learning more about the Settler-First Nation relationship from the First Nation perspective. 

If you would like to join, please contact: (Today is the last day to register)

Pray that everyone on this learning journey will be encouraged with meaningful opportunities to build bridges of friendship and respect with their first nations neighbors.  

This work is made possible by the generous support of St. Andrews Presbyterian, Nanaimo, The Presbytery of Vancouver Island and The Presbyterian Church in Canada. To offer a financial gift, please go to

Mission Moment: January 19th 2025

Last summer, twelve young adults from PCC and UCC partner churches in Canada, the Korean Christian Church in Japan, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan met together to share their lives, cultures, and the present social context of the church in their home countries. Exploring both common and unique challenges, they developed a workshop for the uplift2024: Audacious Faith conference. Through worship, study, and recreation, a deep sense of connection developed across languages and cultures. This global ecumenical learning community gathered for 9 days at Brock University, ending with their participation at uplift2024: Audacious Faith. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing help strengthen long-standing church partnerships by fostering ecumenical understanding and meaningful connections among a new generation of leaders.