With Easter fast approaching, we think of Jesus’ life, His teachings, and most important of all, His death, and glorious resurrection for each of us! Hallejuah!!
In this time of remembrance, our thoughts also turn to cherished memories of family members and friends who have gone before us. To honour them, it has been our custom to place plants in the Sanctuary in their memory.
Following the Service we invite you to take your plant(s) home to continue enjoying its relevance. If you would like to place a memorial plant(s), we ask that you complete a form, (found on the table in the Narthex or from Michelle in the office), and contribute $16.00 to defray the cost of each plant.
Please return completed forms to Merrilyn Jones’ mailbox in the Narthex or to the office with $16.00 per plant in cash or by cheque (payable to Merrilyn Jones). The plants will be ‘white’ or ‘yellow’; please indicate your colour preference.
Please DO NOT pay through your envelopes.
Completed forms and remittances must be received no later than Sunday, April 6th 2025.
Thank you and God Bless,
Merrilyn Jones
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