Who we are.
Our Team
Rev. Jeremy Bellsmith
I started with St. Andrews in 2018 after serving congregations in Victoria and the Toronto area. I'm married to Crystal and love being dad to a daughter in university, and a teenage son. My preaching is practical and Bible based. I love good conversations, hiking, music and movies.
I've been in ministry for over 27 years, my ministry has been shaped by Ephesians 4:11-13
"So Christ himself gave...pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fulness of Christ."
I know I'm doing my job, when I help others live out their role in what God is doing in the world.
Contact Email:
Melanie Halpin-Kuehnel
Children’s and Senior’s Pastoral Care and Outreach Coordinator
Melanie joined the team in the fall of 2023 with decades of volunteer experience with children’s ministries, 5 years at Crossroads Pregnancy Centre, as well as a great love of connecting with the community through mental health. She completed counselling and mental health support work programs at VIU.
She will continue to use Orange, a highly regarded Sunday school strategy for engaging kids with the bible through super fun activities and videos which invites parents into the learning.
Seniors, or those who find themselves housebound, are encouraged to reach out so that the Pastoral Care Team can walk with you through this season. We are able to offer practical, emotional and spiritual support to you and your loved ones. We can also provide referrals to valuable community support services.
Melanie has lived in Nanaimo for over 25 years and enjoys the beautiful outdoors with her husband, children and grandchildren and 2 dogs.
Contact Email:
Kailen Olson
Community Chaplain
Having been born in Nanaimo/Snuneymuxw has made me appreciate and connect with the land we all dwell on.
Growing up locally in this area has truly helped me to care about the people of this diverse community.
As a husband of 21 years and a father of three, my greatest joy is knowing that my family is a part of a healthy spiritual community.
It gives my life a sense of true purpose helping other families and children find authentic belonging in Christ.
I have been on a relational journey with Jesus for the last 35 years, and have experienced unconditional love, acceptance, and grace from God.
Now as a community chaplain, I have the privilege of seeing that same grace extended on athletic fields, in highschools and on the streets of this community everyday.
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Austin Penner
UpperLVL Worship - Team Lead & Worship DJ
Having now lived in Nanaimo for more than a decade, I'm happy to call it home. It's awesome to live in such a beautiful part of Canada, and to be called into God's work of redemption in the world.
I'm grateful to call St. Andrew's Presbyterian my church home. Since I've come to faith in Jesus in late 2021, I've been welcomed into the fold here. It's incredible to be supported by the church in the call to pursue ministry, especially in the unique context of the nightclub and party scene in Nanaimo, and on the VIU campus.
As a DJ, drummer and music lover, it's so cool to submit these gifts back to God in a way that He can shape them for His purposes. I'm eager to lean into new ways of ministering to young people outside the walls of the church, like through our nightclub church-plant, "UpperLVL Worship".
In my spare time I'm often reading, studying theology, hanging out in nature or working with my hands!
Contact Email:
Jan McIntyre
I have a long family connection with St. Andrew’s Nanaimo. When my husband, Kerry, retired from ministry in Duncan ten years ago, we were blessed to find our home in Ladysmith and chose to call St. Andrew’s our worshipping home. Kerry and I have had the pleasure of facilitating several Healing Care Courses and treasure being part of this deep community of small groups.
I have enjoyed a varied 45-year career in nursing and one of the gifts of my practice was the development of listening skills and empathy for others. When I retired, I felt a void but also a calling that God has something new for me to undertake. I am a lifelong learner and was led to study in the field of spiritual direction through Emmaus Formation Centre in Ontario, graduating from the three year program with my certification as a spiritual director.
Henri Nouwen describes spiritual direction in it’s profound and yet simple impact with individuals. “Spiritual direction is the process whereby one person offers a listening, prayerful presence to another while they journey together with God. The spiritual director is one who, most simply, walks alongside another person helping them listen to what God is saying in their lives and recognize God’s action.” (Henri Nouwen )
Shall we walk together in God’s presence and listen for his voice?
For personal spiritual direction info, please contact me at janmcintyre715@gmail.com
Emily Dalla Rosa
Online Communications
Born and raised in Nanaimo, BC, I have been a part of the St. Andrews community since 2022, and in the summer of 2024 I had the privilege of joining the team as the Online Communications Coordinator. In this role, I strive to engage with both our local and online community, ensuring that the love and message of Christ reaches far and wide through our digital platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and our weekly FYI' newsletters!
Alongside my role at St. Andrews, I am a full-time student, balancing my studies with my passion for sharing Christ and inviting more people in Nanaimo to experience the welcoming and vibrant community at St. Andrews. I'm especially passionate about the young adults ministry and have been actively involved in the amazing Upper Level group, where I’ve seen firsthand how our church brings people closer to God in meaningful ways.
My mission is simple: to communicate the heart of St. Andrews and create opportunities for others to encounter Christ. Whether online or in person, I’m excited to continue connecting, growing, and serving alongside the incredible people of this church.
When I’m not working, you’ll probably find me with my nose in a textbook, using my camera, cooking, watching movies with my cat, or hitting the gym!
Contact Email: fyi@standrewsnanaimo.ca
Meet Our Elders
Burnie Smith
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I grew up attending an American Baptist Church in Yakima and later in Spokane Washington. I accepted the Lord as my savior and was baptized when 12 years old. Unfortunately, as with many young people, I got busy with jobs, marriage, kids and church took a back seat. I went through some very difficult times with my marriage and my daughter. Looking back however, I can see that Jesus never left me even though I was doing a pretty good job of ignoring him.
What do you love about the church?
Leslie and I were married in Yakima in 1993 and one of our promises to each other was to find a church home. We began attending Westminster Presbyterian in Yakima and on moving to Nanaimo in 1997 (to be close to Leslie’s parents) began attending St. Andrew’s Nanaimo.
What do you like to do for fun?
Some of the Christian organizations that I have participated in include Promise Keepers, Bible Study Fellowship, and Lay Witness. At St. Andrews I have been active with the Men’s Group, the Board of Managers, and helping with the general maintenance and upkeep of the church. I am also church treasurer, training under former member Dick Paul. I have been an Elder for the past eleven years.
I have three children, two sons and a daughter; six grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. They all live in the states scattered form Seattle to Texas and Virginia.
It has been a true blessing to be able to serve St. Andrews.
Bob Munnik
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
Right from birth I grew up in Christian church, a reformed one in the Netherlands: it gave me a good foundation for my beliefs. Reading and studying the NT as an adult strengthen my faith
What do you love about the church?
I love St. Andrew’s because of the members. It had a little hiccup because of Covid-19, but we getting on the right track again.
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to do photography, curling, cooking and reading.
Ron Membery
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I grew up in a family that were members of York Memorial Presbyterian Church in Toronto. As a result, I grew up in a family that knew Jesus and lived within His teachings. My Scottish Grandmother also reinforced many Scottish traditions and was very active in the Kirk. However, it was during my teen years when I became active in church youth groups and the Presbyterian Young People’s Society that I really started to create a meaningful relationship with Jesus and after high school, I went on to study at Ewart College, a college affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in Canada located on the University of Toronto campus. At Ewart I studied Christian Education and I have been active within the church in a variety of ways ever since.
What do you love about the church?
I love the community of believers at St. Andrew’s. St. Andrew’s has been my church home for about 30 years and I have developed many friendships within the church. For a period of time while my children were young, I was a single father and the people of the church were very supportive of me and my family.
What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy spending time with my family, including my two young grandchildren. I also enjoy hiking, camping, and curling (the finest of the Scottish sports).
Fred Klapstein
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian family and predominantly Christian community.
What do you love about the church?
The opportunity to grow in the Christian faith. The church’s concern with social issues and dealing with them in a Christian way. The fellowship with other Christians.
What do you like to do for fun?
Small scale wood working, reading and spending time with family.
Carol Klapstein
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I came to believe in Jesus as I grew up in a Christian family with a strong connection to our Community Church being baptized, confirmed and married in that same Moravian Church in Bruderheim east of Edmonton Alberta.
What do you love about the church?
I love many things about St.Andrews Presbyterian Church. I feel spiritually enriched by the sermons and music to prepare me in promoting Gods love to others. I love meeting people at church which provides me the opprotunity for further fellowship and others.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy walks with family and friends, beachcombing, quilting, tule art painting, singing and playing my autoharp.
Kailen Olsen
I have been on a relational journey of knowing Jesus for the last 35 years.
Having been born locally here in Nanaimo/Snuneymuxw area I have a deep care and connection for the people of this diverse community and the land we find ourselves dwelling on.
As a husband of 21 years and a father of three children it is my deepest joy and desire to be a part of a spiritual community who is helping to create opportunities for other families and children know how valued they are everyday.
In my journey of faith, I have experienced unconditional love, acceptance and grace from God.
As a Community Chaplain, I have the privilege of seeing that same grace extended on Athletic fields, through various diverse cultural contexts and mainly in the lives of young people here in Nanaimo on a daily basis.
Kate McIntyre
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I’m incredibly lucky to have been raised in a family where both sides are believers. My father is an ordained minister in the PCC, as was my maternal grandfather, and my mother has always had a passion for Spiritual Direction and congregational care.
My family helped me love the Lord from my earliest days with music, learning, and investing in me. My ‘come to Jesus’ moment happened through Camp Ministry, and I accepted Jesus as my saviour during a game of Capture the Flag. True story.
What do you love about the church?
I love St. Andrew’s because it’s the place that offered me healing in a time of great hurt and trauma from church. I found people who welcomed me as I was, bruises and all. As I began to heal, those same people encouraged me to find deeper faith, and grow my trust in God.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love all things nerdy! I regularly play Dungeons and Dragons with a good group of friends. I love to play video games, read fantasy and sci-fi books, and I love reading and acting in Shakespeare performances. I’m never without yarn in my hands and love to talk knitting and crocheting with anyone who will listen!
Kerry McIntyre
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Meredith Reems
How did you come to believe in Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian home (Mennonite, Polish Catholic, and Alliance Church background), and prayed with my mom as a 7 year old girl to accept Jesus.
What do you love about the church?
I love that the church is for everybody. It’s a place to bring our brokenness and find healing. It’s a place to bring our joy and find a place to celebrate. Church is the weekly reminder that God’s children are all uniquely and wonderfully made and that, no matter our journey or story, we are all part of his big, weird, beautiful family.
What do you like to do for fun?
Reading, writing, and studying God’s Word are some of my favourite things to do. I also love exercising, going out for coffee, gardening, cooking, and watching
Peter Sinclair
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Trudy Jager
Clerk of Session